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杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞

来源:福禄装修家居 时间:2022年08月15日 11:59


  design philosophy





  color matching

杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞

杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞


  When rationality collides with warmth, when high and cold combine with warmth and softness, the most elegant movement is symphonic under the white halo. It's like a lover who has been with you all your life, which has softened all your years and attracted all your attention inadvertently. The color matching of high-grade ash will make the high-end texture unobstructed, and the low-luxury temperament will breed among them. Living here, every breath is full of elegant charm. 


  impression drawing


杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞

杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞


  Soft white walls, transparent curtains, and plenty of light make the room look light and transparent. Breaking the conventional layout of the living room, the white grand piano stands in the space, creating a unique visual center in a quiet and comfortable atmosphere, making the room bold and avant-garde and full of sexy temptations. The decoration of fresh plants makes the space fresher and more agile. 


杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞


  Simplify the complexity, the whole space is designed with pure white and purity as the main keynote, with a large area of white space, and pure colors are used to express the non-redundancy expressed by the space. With natural log veneer, it emphasizes aesthetic and practical value. Feel the light, shadow and rhythm in the space with your heart. Everything starts from the function. Subtract the space to make life return to its essence.


杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞


  Interactive combination with the study room expands the space vision and gives more possibilities to the space. The virtual and the real live together, and the virtual is like each body, but in fact it is the whole. All cups are ready, drink slowly, chamate, or talk loudly, or talk softly. Leisure is also integrated into this picture of life.


杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞


  The bedroom is dominated by unique texture and moonlight color, supplemented by ash, and the endless open scenery outside the screen window is displayed beside the bed, bringing the natural and vibrant image into the space. 


杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞


  Soft colors, calm interiors, light tones, removing redundant decorations, simple line bedside decorations with simple furniture shapes, enriching the inner atmosphere of the space, enhancing the artistic atmosphere of the whole space, and being low-key and tasteful.


Stylist introducti

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网址: 杨婷设计作品 | 淳璞 http://www.fulushijia.com/newsview42824.html

