墨菲西斯新作 | 混合用途的交通综合体
© Roland Halbe
Fostering geographical and social connections
with high-speed rail, a retail mall, and the city’s largest public plaza
墨菲西斯建筑事务所(Morphosis Architects)交通综合体新作——维亚利亚比戈综合交通枢纽站(Vialia Vigo Intermodal Station),日前已完工并投入运行。
the Vialia Vigo Intermodal Station in the seaside city of Vigo on the western coast of Spain is completed recently. Morphosis Architects led the design transformation of the city’s local rail station into an energetic cosmopolitan center and multi-modal transportation hub. Morphosis’ work plays into the larger renewal of the station and its other public spaces, with future urban developments to follow.
项目介绍 Project Description
©Roland Halbe
The Vialia Vigo Intermodal Station transforms a former local rail station into an invigorated cosmopolitan center, playing the most significant role in urban renewal of the city.
Supporting a range of mobility options, the station complex houses a new high-speed railway connecting Vigo to Madrid and the broader region, links to the adjacent bus station, 1,549-space car park, cycling lanes, and pedestrian connections. Vialia Vigo also supports the social and economic growth of the city with a variety of new public, retail, and commercial spaces—including a new 30,000m2 public plaza complete with skate parks and sports courts, and a bustling retail mall with over 125 shops and restaurants, cinemas, and grocery stores.
“The high-speed rail line positions Vialia Vigo as the new metropolitan center of the city and links it to the broader region. As the most primary destination point, the project expands the opportunities of the site’s cliff condition by building a connection between the bay and existing town; for example, the roof deck acts as an elevated piazza, providing views outward and space for commercial activity. The station redesigns the city by broadening the implications of architecture as urban connective tissue.”
——汤姆·梅恩 Thom Mayne
Nestled into the mountainous coastal terrain, the station negotiates a 17-meter drop in elevation between a hillside neighborhood and Vigo’s city center. The expansive roof-scape of the six-story station and shopping center creates a public plaza overlooking the sea, patterned with native plants, activity areas, and pavilions providing entrance to the lower levels. Below the plaza, the shopping center is organized around a large atrium space illuminated by skylights and a multi-story window framing the port. The main entry and drop off point for the train station, bus station, and shopping center occurs on the lower level, under an urban-scaled marquee featuring the station’s name. The façade of the original station has been preserved, relocated alongside the new entrance to become a point of historical interest welcoming visitors to Vigo. Embedded into the fabric of the city on three sides, the station’s full form is revealed on its north elevation, where the sweeping plane of perforated steel paneling creates a grand gesture along the main highway leading into Vigo.
Vialia Vigo TGV Station demonstrates the firm’s continued interest in collaborating with cities to create projects and interventions that enhance urban connectivity while engaging with the day-to-day experience of its users. Not only does Vialia Vigo provide critical infrastructure to the region, but it creates a new gateway to the city that will catalyze social and commercial growth.
——布兰登·威灵 Brandon Welling
该项目由墨菲西斯、BDU Arquitectura、L35及商业运营商NHood合作完成。
The project anticipates public connections at the plaza’s eastern edge and a pedestrian bridge now under construction connecting the lower areas of the city with the station. The reinvigorating of the Vialia Vigo station creates a new gateway for the emerging city, catalyzing growth and vibrancy to lead Vigo and the surrounding region into the future.
Morphosis worked in partnership with BDU Arquitectura and L35 as well as their client, retail operator NHood, in the creation of the project.
项目信息 Project Info
Vialia Vigo Intermodal Station
场地面积:47,500 m²
建筑面积:122,550 m²
设计时间:2008 - 2012
建造时间:2012 – 2015(一期),2018 – 2022(二期)
Location: 36201, Praza Estación, 1, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain
Client: ADIF (Phase 1), Nhood (Phase 2)
Site Area: 11.746 acres / 4.75 hectares
Size: 1,319,117 ft² / 122,550 m²
Types: Governmental, Commercial
Program: TGV Station and public plaza including public, retail, commercial and transportation program
Design: 2008 - 2012
Construction: 2012 – 2015 (Phase 1), 2018 – 2022 (Phase 2)
项目团队 Project Credits
设计团队 Morphosis Team
创意指导 Design Director: Thom Mayne
项目负责合伙人 Partner-in-Charge: Brandon Welling
项目经理 Project Manager: Charles Lamy (Phase 1) ,Crystal Wang (Phase 2)
项目设计师 Project Designer: Hunter Knight,Daniel Pruske,Ben Toam
项目成员 Project Team: Jessica Chang,Debbie Chen,Katherine Corsico,Kabalan Fares,Stuart Franks,Janice Kim,Jennie Matusova,Stephanie Rigolot,Go-Woon Seo,Aleksander Tamm-Seitz,Natalia Traverso Caruana
数字技术团队 Advanced Technology: Cory Brugger,Kerenza Harris,Stan Su,Atsushi Sugiuchi
项目助理 Project Assistant: Fredy Gomez,Ibrahim Ibrahim,Darlene Ifeorah,Ilko Iliev,Matt Lake,Eric Lawler,Owen Merrick,Eric Meyer,Jean Oei,Danny Ortega,Yugin Sim,Alan Tai
可视化制作 Visualization: Jasmine Park,Josh Sprinkling
项目顾问 Consultants
合伙建筑设计 Partner Architect: B+ DU Estudio de Arquitectura
合伙设计负责人 Partner Principal-In-Charge: Begoña Diaz-Urgorri,Leon Benacerraf
合伙项目建筑师 Partner Project Architect: Alicia Berenguer
合伙项目团队 Partner Project Team: Alicia Bautista,Manuel Cifuentes,Elisabeth González,Martín González-Garcés Mediero,Teresa Goyarrola,Borja Herrero,Eider Holgado,Agustín Sánchez,Esther Vidal
联合建筑设计Associate Architect Coot Federico Sotomayor (Phase 1),L 35 (Phase 2)
项目管理 Project Management: Riofisa Sau
结构工程师 Structural Engineer: Fhecor,Luis Casas
MEP工程 MEP: Inypsa Sa
关于墨菲西斯About Morphosis
墨菲西斯建筑事务所(Morphosis Architects)是一所国际化的建筑设计事务所,致力于创造设计创新、执行务实、建筑语汇强劲有力的标志性建筑。在过去50多年的时间里,墨菲西斯在城市、建筑、设计三方交互的实践中,完成了不同类型和尺度的项目,包括住宅、商业、公共建筑、文化机构、教育设施、大型城市综合体和城市规划项目。秉持着合同协作的建筑实践理念,合伙人埃尼·艾默生(Arne Emerson)、李昂洙(Ung-Joo Scott Lee)、布兰登·威灵(Brandon Welling)、李宜声(Eui-Sung Yi),与创始人兼普利兹克奖得主汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)合作,领导超过80位在洛杉矶、纽约、上海、首尔和迪拜工作的专业设计团队。墨菲西斯的设计根植于精益求精的项目研究,以及千锤百炼的实验性创造,优先考虑项目在自然环境、人文社会和经济领域所能带来的影响,并以此为依据推动设计过程。同时,通过墨菲西斯麾下的研究机构当代规划研究院(Now Institute),事务所与各高校学术领域紧密联系,在城市流动性、城市复兴、可持续发展、公共策略和社区扩展等当下亟需解决的社会议题上,提供独特的见解和设计策略。
Morphosis is a global architecture and planning firm, creating compelling work that is intelligent, pragmatic, and powerful. For more than 50 years, Morphosis has practiced at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and design, working across a broad range of project types and scales, including civic, academic, cultural, commercial, retail, residential, and mixed-use; urban master plans; and original publications, objects, and art. Committed to the practice of architecture as a collaborative enterprise, Partners Arne Emerson, Ung-Joo Scott Lee, Brandon Welling, and Eui-Sung Yi lead a team of more than 80 in Los Angeles, New York, Dubai, Seoul, and Shanghai, in collaboration with founder and Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne. At the root of all Morphosis projects is a focus on rigorous research and innovation, prioritizing performance-driven design that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. Through its research arm, The Now Institute, the firm collaborates with academic institutions to create design-based solutions for the pressing issues of the day, from mobility, urban revitalization, and sustainability to public policy, planning, and community outreach.
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网址: 墨菲西斯新作 | 混合用途的交通综合体 http://www.fulushijia.com/newsview51848.html

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