The Seven Sages of Bamboo Grove: Contemporary Artistic Expressions of a National Cultural Symbol—Shen Zhanjun's Solo Exhibition Will Appear at Design Shanghai 2024
Text: Zhu Qingsheng Professor of History, Peking UniversityChief Expert of the Imageology Laboratory, Peking UniversityDirector of the Institute of World Art History, Shanghai International Studies University
Seven sages in the bamboo forest/Root-bird
In the era of the development of digital art and technology art, there are two paths that have been suspended in front of us: starting from computer (or game) art, starting from the data nature of new media, to the future of virtual reality in the meta-universe. One is the possibility of looking back on the connection and echo between new art and human beings through the memory form of cultural accumulation in ancient traditional history. Shen Zhanjun looked back and forth at the seven sages in the Bamboo forest in the form of modern technology, transforming the repression of artificial intelligence for current human beings into another kind of inclusion for technology. At the time of the uncertain transformation of the world, the embodiment of human beings is once again trying to complete the struggle of self-transcendence.
The creation of the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest series is a contemporary expression of national cultural symbols, which can trigger empathy, generate consensus, and awaken the resonance of human society to excellent civilization. This is the important power and penetration behind cultural symbols.
Seven sages in the bamboo forest/Empty heart
The launch of these creations is inseparable from Shen Zhanjun's diversified creative experience in creative design, film and television, sculpture, installation art, digital art, etc., as well as his love and accumulation of painting, classical Chinese literature and poetry in his early days as a student in the Academy of Fine Arts. Broad view and about to take, thick and thin, the whole convergence, Shen Zhanjun opened a broad world of artistic creation.
Seven sages in the bamboo forest/True Nature
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